The Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals (MCAAP) is the employee organization/union within Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) that represents the certificated and non-certificated administrators and supervisors.
These positions are covered by two recognized units:
the Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals (MCAAP) and
the Montgomery County Business and Operations Administrators (MCBOA). The two units within MCAAP work together through a combined and representational leadership with a Board of Directors and chapter organization.
MCAAP represents and protects the professional and employment interests of administrators and supervisors working for MCPS.
MCAAP has three primary functions:
Collectively bargain and safeguard the salary, benefits and other working conditions through the negotiated agreement;
Represent members as a major stakeholder in developing and implementing initiatives and programs affecting children and schools;
Provide information, assistance and advocacy to and on behalf of MCAAP members.
As an employee organization/union MCAAP supports both unit members and the work of the school system. MCAAP is an active partner with the school system and the two other employee organizations which represent the teachers and the support professionals. Important in this partnership is the focus on collaboration, communication and the value of the culture of respect in the workplace. Our collaborative involvement with MCPS and our sister unions in the preparation of the budget, negotiations, and political outreach have resulted in a unique school system. Not only is MCPS one of the premier school systems in the country because of our focus on student achievement, but also because of the collaborative efforts that have benefited all – especially MCAAP members and all other employees.
MCAAP fully implements 11 Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) for administrators and supervisors. The PLCs enables unit members to meet with job-alike colleagues on a regular basis and to grow professionally together.