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Additional Recognitions


Mark Mann Excellence and Harmony Award

Mark Mann Award

2020 Winner of the Mark Mann Award

Jewel Sanders

Jewel Sanders, principal of Rosa Parks Middle School, is the 2020 winner of the Mark Mann Excellence and Harmony Award.

The Mark Mann award is presented annually to an MCPS administrator who has shown exceptional performance in promoting academic excellence, positive human relations and community outreach.

Sanders has been principal at Rosa Parks for six years. She previously worked at Takoma Park Middle School and Albert Einstein High School. She has been an English teacher, staff development teacher, resource teacher and assistant principal.

She has always led for excellence and equity. She created a motto, Equity and Choice Create Higher Opportunities (ECCHO), and a Student Diversity Leadership Team (SDLT). The SDLT challenges students to promote diversity within the school building. She has partnered with Sandy Spring Friends School to provide opportunities for students to gain leadership traits. She’s also held equity conferences for other middle schools, facilitated by students.

Rosa Parks is a strong universal design for learning (UDL) school. Choice is encouraged and fostered. Sanders supports choice by listening to staff, students and parents. She encourages staff the flexibility to try new things and creates an environment where trying is learning.

Colleagues say that Sanders’ communications skills, high expectations, values and caring demeanor make for a wonderful work environment. As a result, staff morale is high at Rosa Parks.

Sanders is finishing coursework to earn her doctorate degree in education.

Deans of Educational Administration Award

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